We are into the dog days of summer and carp fishing is now very slow in the daytime. If you want to continue catching fish you'll have to adjust your times and places you fish.
If you are fishing ponds and lakes right now, work the shady areas under trees in the daylight. Early morning and evening will offer the best fishing in these spots. Rainy days can also be good. I often fish at night at this time of year when
the carp are most active. That period from sunset to a couple of hours after dark is usually good. Bring along a good headlight and lots of mosquito repellent.
Be aware that big river fishing can be good in the daylight as carp remain active in the moving water. I've had very good daytime fishing in the last week in some of my big river spots in MA. Overall, we are in a slow period and you will catch nowhere near the numbers of fish at this time of year as you would in late spring or fall.