Tuesday, November 3, 2015


I reached a milestone today that I never thought was achievable.  I landed my 800th carp of the year, a beautiful 14 lb. mirror carp.
November has continued just where October left off with some real hot fishing.  Today I landed 14 carp in a short session of 3 1/2 hours. The fish went 5-15 lbs. The action was terrific for this time of year.  I also saw many carp rolling and jumping on the surface as if celebrating this beautiful weather.
I can't guess where this year is going with two months left of fishing.  Nine hundred seems like a lock at this point.  Can 1000 fish in a year be possible? I don't know, but we'll see.  With a little luck and some good weather great things could happen.
Number 800 on the year proved to be a hefty mirror carp of 14 lbs.


  1. Dave, big congratulations. 800, I can't even fathom that. Keep the fires going.

  2. Dave, big congratulations. 800 doesn't even seem real. Amazing. Keep it going
