Friday, August 30, 2024

Photo of the Day- "Yes, They do Hit at Night"


Yes, they do bite at night.  With the cooler nights and darkness
setting in earlier and earlier, it might be time to fish a
night session.  I landed this high 20 tonight after dark.

Monday, August 26, 2024

15 Minutes of Insanity

The biggest fish of the day was this 31 lb. 
common. I was the biggest carp I have ever 
caught in August here in RI.

 I went out carp fishing yesterday. I was fishing a spot that had been producing some fish in the last week. It was interesting that in recent outings I would catch my fish in bunches. Nothing for an hour and then two or three fish in a short period of time, like in a half to an hour.

On this day, I put two rods out baited with a combo bait of a kernel of maize and a white artificial pop up corn on the hair rig. I sat for an hour and a half without so much as a twitch on the rod tip. Then, a screaming alarm broke the silence and boredom, and I was onto my first carp of the day.  Nothing special, maybe a ten pounder. While I was unhooking that one, my other alarm goes off.  This time it was a bigger fish, and soon I had a twenty pounder in the net. I unhooked and released that one and casted out both rods.  I no sooner put those on the alarm when I get another runner. I knew I had a bigger fish on since this one moved very slowly and hugged the bottom, a sure sign of a biggie. I never saw this fish until it was right at the net, and it was a "wow" at first sight.  This was a big fish. Once on shore I got it into my weigh sling, attached the scale and it pulled the scale down to exactly 31 lbs., 6 oz., making this the biggest carp I have ever landed in  the month of August. After a quick photo and a release I went to cast out this rod when the other alarm went off. Once again, I was onto a decent fish. Once close to shore I knew I had another large one, but not a thirty.  This one turned out to be 25 lbs.


And, that was it.  I stayed another hour and a half and never got another hit. But, today's action would turn out to be one of the best and wildest 15 minutes I ever experienced in carp fishing.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Photo of the Day- "Another Double Header in the Net!"


It's another double header in the net. The fishing has
been better than average lately as I have scored good
numbers of carp as well as some big ones.