Within the next week, the mulberries will be out and ripe all over the state. They are just about there. If you know of a mulberry tree along the the shore of a carp pond or river, you are golden. These berries can be red, purple, white and even pink. Whatever the color, carp go crazy over mulberries, like kids eating candy.
Technique here is simple. Pick a berry off the tree, and impale a size 6 or 8 hook into it
(see picture) and freeline the berry in the area where they are falling. Sometimes the carp will pluck it right off the surface. At other times they will hit it on the drop or on the bottom. One other suggestion here. Sometimes the berry will not sink. If that happens, squeeze it gently and then it should then sink.
The biggest mirror carp I have ever caught in RI was caught on a freelined mulberry. That should tell you just how effective this bait is.
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