Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Post Spawn Feed is On


Here is a nice common landed in the last week.

The carp have spawned for the most part here in RI.  In the last week and a half I have been experiencing the post spawn feed.  That occurs after the female fish spawn (during which time they are not eating).  Their bellies are sunken in from expelling their eggs and they are often bruised and battered after their spawning. But, they are now hungry and on the prowl looking for food.

Bigger baits can be more effective at this time simply because the spawned out carp are looking for a bigger meal. Boilies are now a good choice to use. I have friends who have been doing well on these- either a 12 mm or 15 mm boilie.  Combo baits are also a top choice.  In the past ten days I have been doing very well with a combo bait of a Mainline Quad (square boilie in either a white or pink color) along with a kernel of maize on the hair rig.  Mainline Quads can be purchased from Big Carp Tackle.  I am using the Essential Cell Pop-up variety. Because turtles are now very active I have not been using a method ball. 

Most of the fish I have landed in the post spawn have been large spawned out females. I have been getting a lot of fish from the high teens into the mid twenties- very respectable fish here in RI.

These Mainline Quads have been a hot
bait for me in the last ten days.

Boilies will also work well.  Here is 
a homemade strawberry boilie along
with a kernel of maize on the hair rig.

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