Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What is a GHOST Carp?

 Yesterday I had a carp on that I fought to the net.  When I looked in the water, the fish resembled a white sheet swimming around.  I knew right away I had a ghost carp or a "ghostie".

Ghost carp are common carp that have a whiteish glow to them in the water.  Once out of the water you can see they are very light in color with almost a white/gold body.  They tend to have white/gold heads with splotches of normal coloring.  They also tend to have white dorsal fins, and frequently they have orange colored tails and orange bottom fins. They are some of the most beautiful carp you'll ever see. In all my years fishing. I've only caught a few, so yesterday's fish was special!

This is yesterday's ghost carp. Note the light body,
gold splotchy head, white dorsal fin and orange
tail and bottom fins.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

200th Carp of the Year- A DOUBLE HEADER!


A double header in the net-
fish nos. 200 and 201 on the year.

I landed my 200th carp of the year and at the same time got number 201! Yup, a double header.  It's always a frantic event when you get two on at the same time.  Today, I was fighting one fish and just barely got it to the net when the other alarm went off.  I scooped fish number 1 into the net, and quickly grabbed rod #2.  I fought that one and scooped it into the net which already had a fish in it. In all the confusion, I never got a good look at the fish until they were in shallow water.  As it turns out, the smaller one was 15 lbs. while the larger on was 20 lbs., real decent fish for the dead of summer.

Surprisingly, the fishing in the last few days has been very good in this heat.  I am getting them all sizes from small 3 and 4 lb. footballs up to 20 lb. hogs.  The hot bait continues to be a combo bait of one kernel of maize along with a white, plastic pop-up corn on the hair rig.  I have been chumming maize before fishing and during my sessions.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Bait Preferences Can Change


Here's the hot bait right now.
It's a combo bait of a white,
plastic artificial corn with a
kernel of maize on the hair rig.

A couple of weeks ago, I was catching pretty good on a combo bait of a pink Mainline Quad along with a kernel of maize on the hair rig. This was a good size bait and those bigger baits tend to work well right after the spawn. Then, the hits stopped, and I went a couple of days without a fish.  So, I decided to go back to my old favorite from the springtime.  That was a combo bait of a white plastic artificial corn along with a kernel of maize on the hair rig. It was also a smaller bait.  Well, that did the trick as I am now catching again with some consistency.  In the last week, I was able to catch good numbers of carp from 5 to 20 lbs., all on the pop-up and maize. By the way, I have not been using pack bait or method mix because the turtles have been super active in this heat.

The fish also continue to hit in this heat.  I've been mainly out in the cooler time of the day, the morning, and generally fish until early afternoon when the weather is too hot to stand. I've seen a good amount of activity in this heat as fish are jumping and bubble trails can be seen on the surface.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Results for 2024 RI CAG Spring Big 3 Tournament

 Our 2024 RI CAG Big 3 Tournament has ended.  This event ran for three months.  Members who took part entered their biggest carp for the month of April, their biggest for May and their biggest for June.  We add up all those weights and that is the total number of points.  All carp had to be caught in RI and all had to be released in good shape. Gold, silver and bronze medals donated by CAG will be awarded to the top three finishers. Congrats to everyone who entered.  Some real quality fish landed!

Here are the results:

1. Dave- 29/12 + 32/2 + 31= 92/14

2. Brian- 25/8 + 25/14 + 22/11 = 74/1

3. Tom- 12/6 + 20/11 + 19/4 = 52/5

4. Evan- 10/6 + 16/9 + 16/6 = 43/5

5. Tony- 19 +10 =29 

6. Scott- 10/10 + 9/1 = 19/11

7. Manny- 19

Dave- gold medal. Here was the biggest carp 
in the tournament at 32 lbs., 2 oz.

Brian- silver medal.  Here was the biggest mirror
entered at 22 lbs., 11 oz.

Tom- bronze medal. Here is a 20 lb., 11 oz. common,
Tom's biggest in the tournament.