Tuesday, July 16, 2024

200th Carp of the Year- A DOUBLE HEADER!


A double header in the net-
fish nos. 200 and 201 on the year.

I landed my 200th carp of the year and at the same time got number 201! Yup, a double header.  It's always a frantic event when you get two on at the same time.  Today, I was fighting one fish and just barely got it to the net when the other alarm went off.  I scooped fish number 1 into the net, and quickly grabbed rod #2.  I fought that one and scooped it into the net which already had a fish in it. In all the confusion, I never got a good look at the fish until they were in shallow water.  As it turns out, the smaller one was 15 lbs. while the larger on was 20 lbs., real decent fish for the dead of summer.

Surprisingly, the fishing in the last few days has been very good in this heat.  I am getting them all sizes from small 3 and 4 lb. footballs up to 20 lb. hogs.  The hot bait continues to be a combo bait of one kernel of maize along with a white, plastic pop-up corn on the hair rig.  I have been chumming maize before fishing and during my sessions.

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