I've written this type of post so many times in the last five years. I got up this morning and KNEW this would be a good day of carp fishing just by looking out my kitchen window. Carp are turned on by rainy, stormy and nasty weather.

My day started off this morning fishing with my friend Nick. We fished a venue known for big mirrors. We landed 6 fish and most of them weighed in the high teens, but the highlight of this morning of fishing was Nick's PB mirror of 28 lbs. 8 oz. This was a hog of a fish, a big female, that fell for a combination of sweet corn and artificial floating corn, the hot bait combo for the week.
Later in the day and evening, I hit another place that has been producing big commons all week. I fished that same sweet corn/artificial corn combo and came away with 6 good size commons that went mostly in the high teens and low twenties. However, the big fish of the night was a big female that weighed a whopping 27 lbs., 4 oz.
All week that ESP artificial corn in combination with sweet corn has been real hot. The best colors of the pop-up artificial corn has been pink, red and orange. If you are not using this stuff, you are missing out on some very effective carp bait.
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