Once that calendar changes to September, it's fall in my book, and that means a move to fall fishing. A lot of newcomers to carp fishing think the fall fishes just like the spring. No way! The months of April, May and June offer the best fishing of the year in terms of numbers of fish and sizes. The months of Sept., Oct., and November can be good but don't even come close to offering the good fishing that we see in the spring. In fact, I would say it is inconsistent at best.
I landed this good size mirror today that sits in about a foot of water. Yes, the fishing will improve, but don't expect fall fishing to be anywhere near as good as the spring. |
The spring is so good for a number of reasons. After ice out, the fish get feeding very fast because they are hungry. Warming waters add to their activity levels. In addition, they get into a prespawn mode in late April to mid May. During that time they might travel in large groups. Big numbers of fish can be taken when they are like this. Finally, after the spawn, they will have a short burst of feeding activity in June. In addition, the water is usually high and rivers are moving, plusses to carp fishing.
Sure, they feed up in the fall for winter, but the feed is inconsistent. Early fall, like right now, brings real warm weather and low water, a bad combination. A shot of cool weather and/or rain will help the situation in the fall. Once the temperatures really drop, a slowdown comes (usually mid November. While night fishing can be good in early fall, it generally dies in November due to cold nights and dropping temperatures.
Still, there are opportunities to catch a big carp in the fall. The two biggest commons that I have ever caught here in RI came in September and November. Those fish went 33 and 36 lbs. In addition, I have had some fantastic days in big time stormy fall weather. The fish are particularly active on those fall days of drenching rain and wind.
So, I am looking forward to getting rid of this heat and hoping for an uptick in the fishing. It will come but it will also be inconsistent. It just ain't the spring.