Thursday, March 6, 2025

Spring has Sprung!

 Just a short week ago, most of the ponds and lakes in RI had 8 to 12 inches of ice on them.  Today, most of that ice was gone as I was fishing in totally ice free water. Most bodies of water fouth of Providence are now ice free.  Further north, ice still exists in some places.

A good size common comes to the
net today. The carp were active in
ice free water that I fished, a 
sure sign that spring is here!

Today, spring was in the air with temperatures in the mid fifties. Upon arriving at my spot, I noticed a carp rooting in the water in front of me.  I also noticed a few bubble trails. So there was excitement and hope that I'd get something today.

I casted out my two rods and set them on my banksticks armed with bite alarms.  About an hour into it, one of the rods started jumping, a sure sign of a carp take.  I was soon on and within a minute or two I had a chunky 13 lb. common in the net.  A bit later in the day I had fish number 2, another common in the low teens.  Both hit a combo bait of maize and a white artificial corn on the hair rig.

While the calendar says we are still in winter, disappearing ice and open water says spring is here. And certainly, the fact that the carp are active and hitting REALLY says spring is here.

Note several unique laws regarding spring fishing for carp here in RI.  First off, you need a new, 2025 license after March 1st here in RI if you plan to go fishing.  Second, any bodies of water that are stocked with trout are off limits to carp fishing and all other types of fishing until the second Saturday in April (opening day of trout fishing). Finally, if you do fish for carp in trout stocked waters, the use of corn is prohibited.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Catching in the Snow!


Today was only the second time I got out since Jan.1 to fish for carp. It's been a rough winter to this point. Today, I was greeted by snowy banks and some icing, but I did have enough open water to give it a shot. 

Well, it was not hot and heavy, but I did manage to grab one small mirror that went about 5 to 6 lbs. I had also another runner that dropped it. I got both on a small piece of maize along with a white artificial corn on the hair rig. It was great just to get out and fish as I haven't wet a line in about 8 weeks.

This is the start of my early spring carp fishing. It starts off slowly like today, but get a warm, sunny day and the action will suddenly perk up.  The fish are around, just not active in the cold water. Expect the fishing to dramatically pick up in March when all the ice and snow leaves.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Next Seminar Stop- Springfield Sportsmen's Show

 The next big show where I will be doing carp and striper fishing seminars is the Springfield Sportsmen's Show. This big outdoor show will be held at the Big E in Springfield from Friday, Feb., 21 to Sunday, Feb. 23. This show has everything for the outdoor enthusiast.  It has freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing, hunting, outfitters, tackle shops., boats and kayaks and more. It is held in a massive venue and draws big numbers of people.

I will be doing my two new seminars for this year titled Seasonal Strategies for Carp and Seasonal Strategies for Stripers.  Most likely I will be doing these on Saturday, Feb. 22.  As of right now, the exact schedule has not been posted yet.  The website should have the schedule up this week.

Hope to see many of my followers at the show.

Update: My carp fishing seminar will be on Saturday at 4:00 in seminar room A.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Seminar Schedule for New England Fishing Expo

 I will be at the New England Fishing Expo this weekend (Feb. 1 and Feb. 2) doing a striper fishing seminar and a carp fishing seminar.  This big outdoor fishing show will take place at the Best Western Royal Plaza Trade Center which is right off Rt. 495 in Marlborough, MA. It is one of the largest fishing shows in New England and features a lot of both freshwater and saltwater fishing along with some top notch seminars. You can see the complete seminar schedule at 

Here is my seminar schedule:

Sat., Feb. 1- 2:00- Seasonal Strategies for Stripers

Sun., Feb. 2- 11:00- Seasonal Strategies for Carp

Hope to see many of my blog readers at the show!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

First Carp Fishing Seminar of the Year- New England Fishing Expo, Marlborough, MA


My winter seminar adventures start at the New England Fishing Expo on the weekend of Jan. 31 to Feb. 2.  This big show will be held at the Best Western Royal Plaza Trade Center in Marlborough, MA which is right off Rt. 495.

I've been doing this popular winter show for many years now.  It is one of the best "pure fishing shows" around. It's a mix of saltwater fishing and freshwater fishing.  The show is loaded with vendors and has an all star line-up of seminars.

This year I will be running two all new seminars, one on freshwater carp fishing and one on striper fishing.  The titles of my seminars are "Seasonal Strategies for Striper Fishing" and "Seasonal Strategies for Carp Fishing".  These digital slide shows feature lots of information and have loads of photos and videos all shot in the past year.

The final seminar schedule is not out yet, so keep your eye on the website as it should come out prior to the show. I expect to be there on both Saturday and Sunday.  Hope to see many of my followers there.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

On the Board for 2025!

My first carp for 2025! I landed 3 of them
today from 10 to 15 lbs.!

 I got a real Happy New Years surprise today.  As I have done in other years, I went carp fishing hoping to get my first carp of the new year. Well, instead I landed my first three carp of the year. They were all good size commons, running 10 to 15 lbs.

I guessed as to where to go.  The first spot I went to had ice covering a quarter of the pond, too much for my liking, so I kept driving to my second spot. Fortunately, this venue was free of ice. The weather cleared, the sun came out and the fish started hitting on this 50 degree day. 

All my fish were caught on my favorite bait- a kernel of real maize and a white artificial pop-up (see photo) on the hair rig. I was using no method. The fish hit well but were very sluggish on the fight as you would expect in near freezing water. 

I'm guessing the ice will be returning soon, and the fishing will shut down. Winter around here is an off and on deal with short windows of fishing opportunity.  But, I got my first fish of the new year, and I'm happy with that!

This was the hot ticket today. It has
been my go to bait since the fall.