Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Note the red artificial corn
in the lip of this good size common.
We know from studies that carp are attracted to certain colors.  Those colors tend to be warm colors like orange, red, pink and yellow.  Back in the spring I was catching big time using a pink pop-up artificial corn in combination with other baits.  I have continued to experiment with different colors and in the last couple of weeks red has been the hot color.
Red artificial corn matched
with a chick pea has been a hot
combo bait in the last two weeks.
Funny thing about colors......some work better in certain spots than others.  In one place I fished last fall, orange was working really well.  In anther spot I fished this spring, pink worked well.  But, this past couple of weeks I have been fishing multiple spots and red has been the ticket.
I am using one kernel of red, artificial ESP corn along with either one kernel of maize or one chick pea on the hair rig.  This is catching from two to as many a six good size fish an outing.  If I experiment with other colors like yellow, white or pink, they are simply not working.
So, think about adding some red to your bait choices.  It's a hot color right now.

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