When I left the house this afternoon I was dressed as if I was going ice fishing. With the temperature hovering around freezing, I decided to give it an hour or so at a local pond that had produced well in the past in late fall/early winter. With a wind blasting in my face, the wind chills were in the 20's, yet there was one carp interested in hitting. Nothing sluggish about this guy as it tore off on a screaming run on the take. The hard fighting carp turned out to be a 7 lb. mirror (see photo). It was not a headliner by any means, but I was glad to catch at least one fish on this brutally cold day.
Here's a few tips for cold weather fishing at this time of year:
*Go with sweet corn on the hair rig. Very effective bait at this time.
*Go small....small hook (#8), small sinker, small hair, short hooklink.
*Fish the warmest part of the day. That time from 2:00 to 4:00 PM is a good time.
*Prebait if you can. Yes, it still works.
*Look around for places that produce in the cold. Not all spots are good.
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