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Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Check out These Free Online Magazines
Looking for some great tips and ideas for carp fishing? Check out these free online publications.
North American Carp Angler- This is the latest online magazine from the Carp Anglers Group. You can access this magazine by going to the homepage of the CAG at
Just scroll down about halfway and you will see the magazine cover and just click. You do not have to be a member to see the magazine.
US Carp Pro- This is one of my favorite magazines. If you go to the US Carp Pro site at and register (free) you will be e-mailed the latest version of the magazine. You can also access past magazines from the US Carp Pro site. The latest issue of this magazines have some interesting reads, many of which are directed to fly fishermen. Patterns of flies, fly fishing from a boat, and dropping and dragging techniques are just some of the fly fishing features. There are also a number of articles for traditional carp fishermen that feature baiting ideas and rigging ideas. However, I was particularly impressed with the editorial titled "Culture Shock". It talks about the evolving carp scene here in the US and how their popularity as a gamefish has been surging in recent years, even though they are not treated with respect in some places (RI DEM.....this would be a good read for you guys). Following this article was an advertisement for one of the latest books on carp fishing called "Orvis Guide to Fly Fishing for Carp". Hmm, can't get more mainstream than that. Wouldn't it be great if some of these well respected and conservation minded fly fishing groups like Trout Unlimited here in RI would jump on the carp fishing bandwagon.
North American Carp Angler- This is the latest online magazine from the Carp Anglers Group. You can access this magazine by going to the homepage of the CAG at
Just scroll down about halfway and you will see the magazine cover and just click. You do not have to be a member to see the magazine.
US Carp Pro- This is one of my favorite magazines. If you go to the US Carp Pro site at and register (free) you will be e-mailed the latest version of the magazine. You can also access past magazines from the US Carp Pro site. The latest issue of this magazines have some interesting reads, many of which are directed to fly fishermen. Patterns of flies, fly fishing from a boat, and dropping and dragging techniques are just some of the fly fishing features. There are also a number of articles for traditional carp fishermen that feature baiting ideas and rigging ideas. However, I was particularly impressed with the editorial titled "Culture Shock". It talks about the evolving carp scene here in the US and how their popularity as a gamefish has been surging in recent years, even though they are not treated with respect in some places (RI DEM.....this would be a good read for you guys). Following this article was an advertisement for one of the latest books on carp fishing called "Orvis Guide to Fly Fishing for Carp". Hmm, can't get more mainstream than that. Wouldn't it be great if some of these well respected and conservation minded fly fishing groups like Trout Unlimited here in RI would jump on the carp fishing bandwagon.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Can't Beat this Deal on Reels
Here is the link on Amazon:
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Think "Carp Care"
Carp nets are large nets that feature fish friendly, soft netting. |
Nets- Carp nets differ from bass nets in that they have a fish friendly mesh that does not remove or do harm to a carp's scales. These nets are soft and not abrasive like a nylon bass net. Carp nets are not cheap. They start at about $70-80 at online carp stores. Check out some of these nets at
This carp was weighed with the weigh sling and then brought to the water's edge with the sling for release. |
Weigh Slings- These are sacks made of durable but carp friendly material in which a carp is placed for weighing. The sack usually has a rope or string onto which you hook your scale for weighing the fish. Note that you should NEVER stick a scale hook in the gill or mouth of a carp because it will most likely cut the carp's sensitive gills and kill it. By the way, you should also NEVER stick your fingers under its gill plate to lift it up. Once again, this will harm the gills. Inexpensive weigh slings sell for $15-20. Check these out at Big Carp Tackle.
When it comes to carp care, the Europeans are masters at this, and much of these carp care techniques originated in Europe where they have the greatest of respect for this fish. We have a long way to go here in the US and many newcomers often have no idea about how to practice carp care for a fish they intend to release.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
End of the Line....for Now
All done for now as snow and ice have shut down the carp fishing in ponds and lakes in RI. |
I was at one of my spots today. It was completely frozen with about an inch of clear ice. The sun was hitting the place just right and low and behold, there was about 50-60 carp bunched up and moving slowly under the ice. Ah, what a tease!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Catching in the Cold, Ice and Snow
Today's first fish was a good looking mirror. The bank was covered with snow. |
Today's second fish was a brute that battled me under and on top of the skim ice before I finally landed it. |
As most of you know, I love this type of weather. In my mind, the last two days were just great days for carp fishing!
Friday, December 6, 2013
Hitting in a FOOT of Water!
The other unique thing about this outing was that I landed all these fish right near and at dark, a time that is usually not good in December. So, today's outing did not follow the December norm, but we all know that carp fishing is a lot of experimentation, and today's change in tactics really worked out for me.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Fishing Heats up with the Weather
Check out the weather for the next few days. With above average temps coming, it looks like favorable conditions for carp action here in RI. They should be hitting.
Monday, December 2, 2013
The Winter "Bunch Up"
This good size mirror was landed today in one of the author's favorite winter "bunch up" spots. Carp will bunch up in tight schools in the wintertime. |
Friday, November 29, 2013
600th Carp of the Year Falls on Cold Day
I landed my 600th carp of the year today on this cold day. The fish, a mirror of about 10 lbs. hit hair rigged pineapple flavored Pescaviva (sweet corn). This fish was part of a three fish outing. I had two other mirrors. They were hitting in a place that was partially covered with ice, but I was able to fish in an open spot. The best fishing occurred from 1:00 to 3:00, the warmest part of this cold day. That time period is prime time to fish in the next month. Yes, they will continue hitting until the ice puts an end to the season. In most years I am able to continue catching carp until mid December, but two years ago, I was able to catch them all winter long in open water.
This good looking mirror was my 600th carp of 2013. |
FANTASTIC Deal on Camera
I've got to pass on info on a fantastic deal on a camera. Most of the pictures you see on this blog were taken with a high end pocket, point and shoot camera, a Canon 2200 Powershot. Well, on this Black Friday, the Canon store has a refurbished Powershot 2300, an upgraded model, on sale for $44.99. That also includes a card and a case, and even includes free shipping! That price is unheard of for a top quality camera. This camera is a 16 megapixel camera that has a zoom and can also take HD video. It also has that all imprortant variable self timer that will let you get into a picture holding a fish with time to spare. Don't let "refurbished" scare you. That is all I buy. These cameras were thoroughly reconditioned and carry the same guarantee as a new one. If you are interested, the link is below:
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
My Kind of Carpin' Weather
This is the first of three commons landed today in the wind and rain. |
I landed three commons today, all around ten pounds and had another fish on, They were all taken on sweet corn fished ahead of a method ball. The fish were active as I saw several fish jump, and I had a number of taps on my bait in this mild weather. Just yesterday many of the places I fish were iced over, but all the ice disappeared today in the sixty degree temperatures. With another cold spell on the way, it looks like the ice might return to these spots and shut the fishing down once again. The roller coaster ride continues.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Not Your Typical November
This is one of three decent commons caught on this cold day using sweet corn. |
The weather along with the fishing has been on a roller coaster ride this November. Overall, the weather has been colder than normal, and I believe that has led to one of the most inconsistent Novembers I have ever fished. I have been out every day in the last 6 days. I blanked three of the days and caught fish the other three days. Today, I went out with little expectations of catching anything on this cold day. Besides, I had blanked on the last two outings. Well, it turned out to be a decent outing as I landed three commons, all around 10 lbs. I got them all on Pecaviva sweet corn fished ahead of a method ball. All of the fish also came in the early afternoon sun when things had warmed up a bit.
So, if you can put up with the cold, the inconsistencies, and the blanks, you may just luck into a decent day once in a while. That's carp fishing this November, 2013.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Persistence Pays Off
I even saw a few fish jumping today so they were active. It all goes to show you just have to get out and try it regardless of the weather. So long as there is open water, I plan to continue fishing.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Iced Over in the Morning; Productive in the Afternoon Warmth
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Catching in the Freezing Cold
Here's a few tips for cold weather fishing at this time of year:
*Go with sweet corn on the hair rig. Very effective bait at this time.
*Go small....small hook (#8), small sinker, small hair, short hooklink.
*Fish the warmest part of the day. That time from 2:00 to 4:00 PM is a good time.
*Prebait if you can. Yes, it still works.
*Look around for places that produce in the cold. Not all spots are good.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
"New" Guys Catching on Cold Morning

Friday, November 8, 2013
Disappointing Week
Novembers are usually not this bad. In the past I have been able to average about 50 carp in the month of November. This November has been colder than normal and I attribute the cold weather, especially the cold nights, for the dismal start. However, I also know that November can be streaky. In other years, I have had some hot periods where I might catch 15 or 20 fish in a few days. Let's not forget also that I landed the biggest freshwater fish ever caught in RI (36 lb. common carp) two years ago on November 10. So, yes it can get very good in November.
If you look at the forecast for the next week, it is not good. Temperatures next week will be in the 30's and low 40's for the most part by day and in the low 20's at night. So, looks like the tough fishing will continue until and extended warm period lights things up.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Nice fish, but it was sluggish on the take and sluggish on the fight due to the cold. |
Carp turn sluggish in the cold, especially when air and water temperatures drop suddenly. Today I had a lot of small taps. I'm sure these were carp, but they were too sluggish to take the bait. I tried the usually tricks.....smaller bait, smaller hairs, smaller sinkers. Finally, I had a fish take or I should say a continuously tapping of the bait, another trait of sluggish fish. I pulled and was onto a sluggish fighter. It turned out to be a mirror carp of about 10 lbs.
The good news is that the weather can't stay this cold at this time of year. If you look at the forecast for later in the week, the temperatures should shoot up into the 60's. That should improve the carp fishing and get the fish active again. The fishing season is far from over.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Should have been better.....
This is one of two small mirrors that ended a disappointing day. The fish was caught on maize. |
I got out today with three fellow RI CAG carpers. We fished two different venues that had produced in past years at this time. In all I saw one fish roll and that was it. We had no hits. Think about it....4 experienced carpers, 8 rods out, 4 hours of fishing and NOTHING. It should have been better.
I did salvage the day as I stopped at another venue on my way home and managed two small mirrors in a couple of hours. Also, had another fish on. So, two small ones was better than nothing I suppose, but in my mind the day was disappointing.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Hotspots Change With the Seasons
I caught this nice size mirror in one of my cold weather spots today. The carp fishing hotspots tend to change with the seasons. |
Knowing those spots that produce in late fall comes from years of experience. I've been keeping logs for all those years I have fished. The logs tell me which spots are productive at certain times and which are not, and you can clearly see patterns that develop over the years. My list of productive spots in late fall is a short list.
Here is one interesting note from all my logs. I have never caught a carp in the Blackstone River here in RI after Nov. 1. I can't tell you why, but the river shuts down in the cold weather.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Carp Fishing Cools Off With the Weather
This is a taste of late fall fishing. It will be inconsistent from now until the end, and the fishing will be greatly influenced by the weather. I find that when water temperatures are on the way down the fishing cools right off. However, when water temps are on the increase the fishing perks up. That explains why a warm day in December can produce while a cold day in October shuts the fishing right down.
Regardless of how good or bad the fishing is, I plan on going right until the ice comes. For me worthwhile fishing continues right into December and even beyond if the weather remains warm.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Hot Stuff
This decent common took a combo bait that included 2 kernels of maize along with an orange 6 mm Mistral boilie. |
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Another Newcomer Catches Her First Carp
Yet another RI fisherman (or fisherwoman?) has landed her first carp. Daphne is a well known saltwater angler that I have fished with many times along the oceanfront. So, when she contacted me about wanting to try carp fishing, I said "sure!". Well, it was her lucky day as we hit one of my hot October spots and we landed a total of 8 carp from 8-16 lbs. They were hitting well, the alarms seemed to sounding every 20 minutes and the scenery was gorgeous. The photo at right shows Daphne with a beautiful mirror carp. Once again, she's another established angler who is very impressed with carp fishing. I think she is hooked!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Beautiful Scenery; Good Fishing
One of six carp landed today. |
Friday, October 11, 2013
Baits that are HOT Right Now
*Chick peas- I keep going back to this bait because it works real well. I use dried chick peas from the supermarket that I boil for exactly 20 minutes. You can use one, one and a half or two peas. It is also hair rigged (see photo at right).
And, yes, I am using a method ball with all of the above baits.
This super long streaker was caught on a chick pea. |
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Lighting It Up at Night
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Nighttime Adventure
Catfish and horned pout are active nighttime feeders. |
This mirror was taken tonight. It hit a boilie/maize bait combo. |
*Do everything you would do in the daytime. Baits and rigs are the same.
*Get yourself a good headlamp. It's a must.
*Bite alarms are also a must. They make an audible sound and light up on the hit.
*Focus on fishing safe spots that are close to your car. I also like to fish in places that are lighted with street lights.
*Such places like the Tiogue Lake causeway, the Twin River causeway (Rt.7), and parts of Roger Williams Park are all safe places to fish that are lighted.
Monday, October 7, 2013
500th Carp for 2013
The last two seasons I ended up with 738 carp in 2011 and 729 carp in 2012 according to my logs that I keep. I doubt that I will hit the 700 mark this year, but 600+ seems to be a real possibility. I'd be more than satisfied with that number.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Newest RI CAG Member Scores PB Common
Our newest member to join the RI CAG (RI Carp Anglers Group) is Eric. He joined last night. That must have been a lucky move because today we went fishing and Eric scored a PB (personal best) common carp of 21 lbs. 8 oz. The fish was not long but had a big stomach that looked as if it swallowed a beer barrel. And, it put up one heck of a fight.
You might remember that Eric. He was the photographer that I took out earlier in the year. He has been lucky on the times we have gone fishing, but he is also a fast learner and a fisherman who sticks with it and really puts in his time. He has landed many twenties (commons and mirrors) this year, a fantastic start for a first year carp fisherman. So, congrats Eric on your new PB and may you score many more.
RI CAG members often fish a lot together. I try to take all new members out and personally show them the ropes. We also offer fish-ins and get togethers and the CAG national club offers events, contests, Forum threads for members, discounts and an e-magazine. If you join the CAG, you automatically become a RI CAG member. If you are interested in joining you can sign up on the CAG website at
You might remember that Eric. He was the photographer that I took out earlier in the year. He has been lucky on the times we have gone fishing, but he is also a fast learner and a fisherman who sticks with it and really puts in his time. He has landed many twenties (commons and mirrors) this year, a fantastic start for a first year carp fisherman. So, congrats Eric on your new PB and may you score many more.
RI CAG members often fish a lot together. I try to take all new members out and personally show them the ropes. We also offer fish-ins and get togethers and the CAG national club offers events, contests, Forum threads for members, discounts and an e-magazine. If you join the CAG, you automatically become a RI CAG member. If you are interested in joining you can sign up on the CAG website at
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Fall Fishing Hot Right Now
Carp are on the fall feed and the fishing is darn good right now. I have been getting out just about every morning and hitting many fish in the upper teens and low twenties (see photo of this morning's catch). Carp are now feeding up in anticipation of winter. Many of the fish that you catch have bulging stomachs that look like they swallowed a beer barrel. This is the time of year in which you could land a monster. A couple of years back I landed that 36 lb. common from RI waters in the fall. That is the biggest carp and the biggest fish ever taken from RI.
The hot bait for me continues to be a combo bait of a small doughball and a kernel of maize on a hair rig. Some of the other RI CAG guys have been having good luck with sweet corn. I'm fishing a method ball ahead of my bait.
If you can find the time to fish, this is prime time to catch good numbers of carp as well as large ones. The bite should continue to be very good for the next month.
The hot bait for me continues to be a combo bait of a small doughball and a kernel of maize on a hair rig. Some of the other RI CAG guys have been having good luck with sweet corn. I'm fishing a method ball ahead of my bait.
If you can find the time to fish, this is prime time to catch good numbers of carp as well as large ones. The bite should continue to be very good for the next month.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Big Carp in Small Spots
This 22 lb. common was landed in a "small" spot in 2-3 feet of water. Small spots can hold big carp. |
Today I fished a new small spot where I had never caught a carp. I baited the place up last evening and hit it this morning. I hit the jackpot on my first fish with a beautiful 22 lb. common. A while later I had a 10 lb. common in the net. Still an hour later I had a monster on that eventually took me into a tree branch and got away. All these fish were landed on the doughball/maize combo bait fished on a hair rig ahead of a method ball. Wow, this was an eye opener!
If you do find a productive small spot, here are a few suggestions that might add some success. Try to prebait these places, and prebait more than one spot in the area. Go light on the tackle. Fish in small spots tend to be spooky and super selective. If you do catch a fish, move to a new location after landing the fish. Carp that are fighting and thrashing around in a couple of feet of water tend to scare off others that might be hanging around the area.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
A Rare Double
This double was a first. The catch was a 10 lb. common along with a 13 lb. mirror. |
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Best Two Day Haul in Months
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Sometimes Night Time is the Right Time
I know nighttime fishing is not for everyone. Sitting in a chair at night in total darkness and eerie quiet waiting for a hit seems crazy to a lot of non fishermen. However, there is an excitement to nighttime fishing. There is nothing like a screeching alarm and its light excitedly flashing to get the adrenalin pumping. I will also tell you that over the years I have landed some very large carp at night and that keeps me coming back for more. I fish for stripers all the time at night so carp fishing at night is no big deal for me.
Tonight I fished the Blackstone River in the evening into the night. I wasn't getting anything fishing way out in deeper water. But, I noticed a fish grubbing at night right in front of me in about a foot of water. From experience I know that carp will come in very close to feed under cover of darkness. So, I put out a flip cast of about 10-15 feet with both outfits. That did is as the alarm went off about 10 minutes later. A good fight ensued in total darkness and soon I flipped on my headlight to see a big mirror carp at my feet (check out photo of fish at left). Yes, they do hit at night.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Stealthy Approach Works
This is one of several carp landed today while using a stealthy approach in a "small", shallow location. |
Time to go with a stealthy approach. I casted my rods out again, and then put them on my alarms, but this time I sat about ten feet away hidden behind a bush. I couldn't see the fish, but they couldn't see me. That did it. About fifteen minutes later one alarm sounded and I landed a decent size mirror. I even landed a couple of more fish later on taking this stealthy approach.
Carp can be very touchy and skittish, especially on these bluebird sunny days. Sometimes it takes a stealthy approach to score on these days. This is especially true when fishing "small" spots with shallow water where fish tend to hang out close to shore where you might be fishing.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Charged Up
Here's the proof:
*I got out with my friend Nick a couple of days ago. Nick had a screamer of a hit. His line took off as if it was tied to a rocket. The fish just continued ripping line after it was hooked. I would have bet Nick had a fish in the mid twenties. It turned out to be a 17 lber., a fish that seemed to be on steroids.
* I fished in a small spot this morning. I hooked a fish that was about 6 or 7 lbs. It started ripping line (15 lb. test) and pulling drag, heading for a bush. I pushed my palm against the spool to add pressure to the drag. It didn't help as the bulldog of a fish pulled me into the bush.
*Tonight I fished the Blackstone River. I hooked a fish that tore down the river. I was using my 12 foot rod, an Okuma Avenger reel and 20 lb. test line. Even with the heavy artillery in use, the fish continued ripping drag. I figured I had a fish at least 20 lbs. It turned out to be a 12 lb. mirror (see picture), one of the strongest 12 lb. I have ever caught in either fresh or saltwater.
In my mind, carp are some of the best fighting fish in freshwater, but at this time of year they are simply extraordinary
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